I wanted to send home really cute [Christ]mas cards and gifts with my Kindergartners. However, my dean informed me that writing "Merry Christmas" or giving out Nativity scenes was not advised and I could possibly be sued, I decided against it. If I can't write "Merry Christmas," then I won't say anything at all.... After brainstorming I figured I would send home cute little gingerbread people holding a candy cane and pencil. They were super cheap, and easy! I made them during my prep!
For the teachers at work I decided that I would "risk it" and attached super cute Nativity gift tags with "Merry Christmas" on the back to the bags of chocolate I bought at Target (on sale!).
I am VERY blessed to have community helpers in my room from 3:00-3:40pm. I have 5 8th grade students who come in and help around my classroom. It's awesome because they can stack the chairs, which is required for each class, but my 5 yo's can't do it. They also cut out lamination, prepare work and centers for the kiddos and help in anyway I ask. I gave each of them 3 packs of Orbit gum tied together with a cute Christmas gift tag and "Thank you!" written on each one.
(photos later)
I know it is after Christmas and these gift ideas won't help this year, but maybe next year!
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